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Historical Firearms, Long Range Target Shooting & Military History

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British Military History

The British Army

  • The British Army: Originally published during the Crimean War, 'The British Army' gives an overview of the organisation, officer education, training and equipment at the time. [1855]
  • The British Soldier - How And Why He Enlists discusses recruitment in the mid-nineteenth century. A follow-up article goes on to discuss the soldiers' treament At Home. [1859]

Crimean War, 1854-1856

The Indian Mutiny, 1857

  • Indian Mutiny Long Shots - Comment on the effect of shooting a fouled muzzle loading Enfield rifle, and on the effectiveness of long range volley fire on artillery crews [1859].

First World War, 1914-1918

First World War: Research notes relating to Cheshire Yeomanry, Kings Shropshire Light Infantry, Suffolk Yeomanry, Egypt & Palestine... and other items of interest that arise from time to time. [External site maintained by Research Press]


1. mounted guns; artillery.
"the gun was a brand new piece of ordnance"
synonyms: guns, cannon, artillery, weapons, arms, munitions, military
2. a branch of government service dealing especially with military stores and materials.
"the ordnance corps"

Volunteer Force, 1859-1908

Rifle Volunteers: Volunteer Force, 1859-1908. On 12 May 1859 the British Government issued a circular sanctioning the formation of Volunteer Corps. The initial immediate rush of Volunteering was not expected to last. However, measures to secure the long-term prospects for the Volunteers were put in place late in 1859 with the formation of the National Rifle Association (NRA). In 1881 the British Army was reorganised into territorial regiments with regular, militia and volunteer battalions. Great Volunteer reviews before large crowds of spectators, and sometimes royalty, were held throughout the country where the men demonstrated their skill at drill and skirmishing. In 1908 the Volunteer Force, which included rifle, artillery and engineer corps, merged with the Yeomanry to form the Territorial Force.

